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November Customers of the Month

Meet the beautiful Benfield family! From left to right are Cheyenne, Chris, Christina, and Lily. They've lived in their home in Hidden Springs for a few years now and are apparently thrilled with our service. Even 11 year old Lily says, "I don't know anything about it. I just know that we have very good internet!" Mom Christina says, "We love your service! We had Cable One before you. Now the price is right and the service is right. Cable One didn't have that."

We also want to share with you some words to live by from Christina that all of our grandpas would collectively love, and it's one of her favorite sayings also. "When you're on time, you're late, and when you're 15 minutes early, you're on time." Thank you, Benfield family, for your advice and for your business. When you're happy, we're happy.


Reasons Why Your Business Should Replace Their On-Premise Phone System and Move to the Cloud

When an organization looks to change their existing PBX, it is normally a decision that is driven by...

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December Customer of the Month

Yes, in case you're wondering, he really IS this handsome in person too, and even more cheerful....

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Comparing Fiber vs Cellular Home Internet: Pros and Cons

Deciding between fiber vs. cellular internet for your home? Discover which one has better speed, lat...

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March Customers of the Month.

Meet Stef & Sheri Purdy, March customers of the month!

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June Customer of the Month

June Customer of the Month -Renee Kohler of Meridian

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